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Leanna Carlson

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Leanna Carlson is a potter in Prince George. While making her pottery, she puts her feelings and her surroundings, such as nature, into it. She also enjoys digging her own clay, and the materials she uses inspire her as well. Her biggest influences are Trudy Golley, Wayne Ngan and Huang Fei. Right now, Leanna is teaching in her studio and is working on a proposal for an installation for a building in town. “I feel connected to the artists in BC as well as all around the world.”

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I like that there is competition in the art community in PG, but we are also very good at supporting each other.

Some of Leanna's favorite things about being an artist are meeting new people and making her own hours. She has loved pottery ever since she took a class around thirty years ago. Her favorite project is a sea creature she made while she was doing a residency at Red Deer College. In her free time, she likes to play video games such as chess.

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